Rae Ritchie is an artist and illustrator based in Minneapolis, MN. Greatly inspired by the British Arts & Crafts movement, as well as the exquisite strangeness of nature, she creates meticulously detailed scenes of natural magic, opulent animals, and curious critters. Her work has been used in quilting fabrics, books, stationery and greeting cards. She creates work that speaks to the nature lovers, the story readers, and those who believe that magic lives on this great earth AND in our wildest dreams.

About this collection: "Foragers" explores the secret world of animals preparing for seasonal transition in the magical forest, teaming with life and natural treasures.

Foraging Badger

Regular price $ 275.00
Unit price
one of a kind
original art

Medium: Acrylic Gouache on Birch, Polyurethane Stained Frame

Dimensions: 6.5" x 6.5"


Minnesota, USA

Rae Ritchie is an artist and illustrator based in Minneapolis, MN. Greatly inspired by the British Arts & Crafts movement, as well as the exquisite strangeness of nature, she creates meticulously detailed scenes of natural magic, opulent animals, and curious critters. Her work has been used in quilting fabrics, books, stationery and greeting cards. She creates work that speaks to the nature lovers, the story readers, and those who believe that magic lives on this great earth AND in our wildest dreams.

About this collection: "Foragers" explores the secret world of animals preparing for seasonal transition in the magical forest, teaming with life and natural treasures.