A notepad to help you plan for the day ahead. If you're anything like us getting it down on paper frees up extra room in that big, beautiful brain. A clear, focused head is kryptonite to overwhelm.

Less stress & more living! After all, the quality of our lives is never about how much we get done in a single day but how much of that day we lived intentionally.


Blue Grid Notepad

Regular price $ 14.00
Unit price

Padded with chipboard back, 50 tear-off pages

Printed in full color on 70lb. paper

Dimensions: 6" x 9"

Sparta, Georgia, USA

woman owned business
Earth friendly

A notepad to help you plan for the day ahead. If you're anything like us getting it down on paper frees up extra room in that big, beautiful brain. A clear, focused head is kryptonite to overwhelm.

Less stress & more living! After all, the quality of our lives is never about how much we get done in a single day but how much of that day we lived intentionally.